Šatrija - the queen of Samogitia (lithuanian: Žemaitija).
„Čia ne kalnas: čia varpas, kuris kadaise, pririštas baltom debesų juostom, sūpavosi į visas puses ir, linksmai mėtydamas auksinę šerdį, plačiai plačiai skambėjo...“ (english: It is not a hill: it is a bell, which once was with white stripes of clouds and was rocking to all directions while with fun it swung its golden core which was loudly, loudly heard..." - (Mieželaitis, 1974).
People were living downhill from the II century B.C. It is believed that this was the centre of the old faiths of the Lithuanians that were destroyed after the christening of the Samogitians.